Verb: to do a ginge
To purchase an over expensive new 4wd the add shitloads of over priced accessories, then sell it, losing a fuckton of money.
I hope Paki doesnt do a ginge with his new ford ranger
by Packi October 22, 2018
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A ging is a gay king
"One king married another and they became gings"
by Jesus ging of nazerath April 18, 2009
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Doug went hard on the gin last night, he got ginged.
by Shitastrophy June 25, 2014
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noun. pronounced "jinje-ness." a redhead's or "ginger's" business. only to be used by a redhead themselves.
"Stay out of my gingness." "Just minding my own gingness.
by kintar0 December 9, 2011
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Ging is often used as a word to replace a certain action. With its versatile nature, the word can represent many simple actions. When the word is used, its meaning is usually understood from the expression and emotions of a speaker.
1. Ging me that plate!
2. lets ging the exam!
3. I am ginged!
by n.wong October 7, 2006
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