Name of the Democratic Party in Minnesota. Given all the scandals within this corrupt party such as Allina paying off DFL Hennepin County Commisioner Peter McLaughlin to support their Access Project, or Minneapolis DFL Councilmembers Brian Herron and Joe Biernat (Minneapolis DFL council members) going to jail for taking bribes, as well as the falsehoods perpetrated by the DFL majority speaker Margaret Kelliher Anderson, The original "Democratic, Farm & Labor" source of the acronym has morphed into the colloqial version of DFL = Deny Finagle & Lie
Hey did you hear about the $300 million DFL giveaway subsidy to the Twins stadium owners?

No, but the DFL in Minneapolis just added a fee to my water bill for rainwater runoff, WTF?
by Adam Baldwin January 17, 2008
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DFL is short for Dead Fucking Last. They were an awesome hardcore band that at one time had AdRock from the Beastie Boys for a bass player.
Wally: "Holy shit, 'Proud to Be' is one of the best hardcore albums ever!"
Steevo: "Fuck yeah, DFL rules! Now lets go buy some ice cream!"
by WallyJoeFootpowder February 25, 2010
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Dead Fucking Last, as in the band who's cd i'm buying in about half an hour on ebay.
I bought DFL's album. Its beyond amazing you internoob
by Darbz March 2, 2005
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Dumb Fucking Look. This is the look you expect to see from a complete and totally clueless dumbass. You know, when they should be listening to you and they staring with a stupid, lost glare. This is often accompanied with mouth open. It is the expression of a young, stupid slackjaw who has just seen boobies for his first time.
I explained the whole problem to my boss and asked him what he wanted me to do. He just sat and gave me the DFL.

When the cops told Brittany Spears to put her kid in a seatbelt instead of riding with it on her lap she gave them the DFL.
by btodd April 18, 2008
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duckies for life
group of homies who got each others back through thick n thin
went to a show with DFL n got drunk
by dfl March 21, 2008
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dick fucking lips. Thick and juicy lips that are good for blowjobs.
damn that bitch had DFLs
by anon December 20, 2004
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die for losing. A guy who love winning but he lost everytime when he got his new blackmarket macbook
he's DFL. u wish u can DFL. that bitch always DFL i can't help it
by Alif April 21, 2008
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