When cross with someone, approach them with a blanket from behind. Once close enough, encompass them with said blanket and proceed to pummel them and flee the scene before they realize who has assaulted them.
Bob: *Walking in the parking lot*
Mark: *Persues and throws a blanket over Bob*
Bob: "AoWWW!"
Mark: "Hehe, blanketed!"
by pcaston2 April 5, 2006
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POT! "Blanket" is a codeword you use when you want to talk about weed in a public place or in front of parents or whatever. Multiply the number of blankets by ten to get their monetary value. If someone isn't getting it, try "green blankets."
1. "Dude, I'm cold, let's go get warm with some blankets."

2. "Oh man I have 8 blankets in the back of my car, we are having FUN tonight."

3. "Hey I think I left a couple blankets in your car, have you seen them?"
by Burner aka Klitz December 24, 2005
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a condom that is too big for the intended user.
hey do you want this trojen magnum?

ha no i dont want a blanket!
by diz mazza May 10, 2009
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A retarded person; someone who rides the slow bus; mentally-challenged.
Person: "Dude I made the wrong turn again."
Person 2: "Your such a blanket dude."
by Francine Babineau August 8, 2011
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The warm thing that people fuck under
Brandon: Yo Ashley lets go fuck under that warm blanket

Ashley: Ight bet
by All_good_names_are_gone_ November 16, 2020
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by llama avocado lemmon December 3, 2018
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