Annoying people who attempt to shove their religion down your throat when you're clearly interested in more important matters..
My friend Brad tried to go all Bible Thumper on me to get me to go to a sermon at 4 AM!
by Carl Juniors' son January 24, 2014
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Someone of the Christian religion who acts like a wacko and 80% of the time they are hypocrites. They shove their beliefs down your throat and are very judge mental.
Person: Don't go near that her, she's a bible thumper. She attacked me because I watch AHS and listen to Rise Against.

by yoyiggity June 22, 2014
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Bible Thumper (noun) (1)used to describe an individual who believes in the absolute word for word truth of the bible to the absolute exclusion of all other philosophical, spiritual, esoteric and religious belief systems. (2)Person who has been irretrievably brainwashed into believing that the bible is true in every word despite considerable evidence that it is based on the Sumerian Tablets and Vedas but altered heavily so it appears 'godly' and 'creationy'. Refuses to acknowledge that the bible was considerably altered by Emperor Constantine and the Council of Niscea around 500AD.
Bible Thumpers (plural) Term laterally applied to all extreme right wing christian groups who use the bible as a basis upon which to justify extreme acts of hate or violence (Westboro Baptist Church comes under this heading)
Fred) the bible is totally true every word!!
Joe) Bible-Thumper.....
by GlycerineOxide June 1, 2014
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a fundamentalist christian who aggressively pushes their beliefs on others
I believe in god but I'm not a bible-thumper.
by The Return of Light Joker December 13, 2010
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Person who uses the Bible to attack other via Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets.

Typically, this person has no life of their own and they try to live out their lives by perceiving their god-given right to tell everyone else how they can improve their lives, while completely ignoring or being ignorant of their own place in their own self-created universe (typically of self-isolation and lack of committment). This person is notoriously unreliable and ready to attack anyone that does not agree with them on level (not just via the bible thump).
The bible thumper bigot used their Bible verse of the book of Morons 3: 1-167, 172, 178 to explain that they are never wrong.
by FacebookBibleThumpingHater January 28, 2014
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To adhere so fervently to the concept of preaching the bible to unwanting masses that you become a nuisance: bible thumper (see also: bible beater, Christ's commandos, jesus "listen to the word" your christ)
I was enjoying my afternoon, until i saw a bible-thumper on my walk. I didnt even see that book coming for my head till THWAPP

by OnlyMalkavian March 3, 2020
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1.n. A Christian who shares their religious beliefs with another in hopes of converting them.
2.n. A Christian who chooses to follow the Bible in its entirety, instead of picking and choosing which parts most conviently fit their current lifestyle. They live their life to fit the Bible, instead of twisting their interpretation of the Bible so they can still sin and not feel as guilty. They are often ridiculed for living as the Bible allows and trying to convert others.
That preacher was called a Bible thumper for handing out tracts to people in the community.
by Rachel July 20, 2004
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