Ana is typically a short, loveable girl who has great ambitions though she just cannot make her mind up on the small things. Even so she preserves and accomplishes everything to the upmost of her capabilities.
I don't know if I should choose the black phone case or the pink phone case. But I do know that I'll make the right choice just like Ana would!
by AnonymousCoochie June 14, 2019
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A gorgeous sweet person who cares a lot about her friends and family. Don't get on her bad side because she will turn into a Psycho demon in the matter of seconds. She would try to do everything she can to make her friends and family happy. Her smile could light up anyone's day. She is always laughing at something. She tries to always stay positive and block the negativity out. She is great in bed. She is a short person. She likes to make jokes and have a good time.
Person#1: Hey best friend I need your help.
Person#2 Ana: what do you need help with...I'm here.
by March 14, 2017
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she is a beautiful girl who can hold her anger but stuborn she has a big heart but if you break it she can be Petty she is always there and can make anyone smile she can make people laugh and is wired and can also make any guy fall in love -joshua 11-3-16
She is a beautiful person i know Ana is a funny person
by Torres216 December 11, 2017
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He's a really kind hearted person and likes to helps person in any ways.He doesn't focus on his surroundings and only focus on someone he loves.He also a very funny and friendly person.
by BabyIlike u December 28, 2017
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A girl who has been though a lot of things she has lots of friends maybe hates some of them but doesn’t say it. Keeps close to very few friends she is a great listener she is kind to most people she can be very shy well she looks and seems happy all the time she is very depressed and tired she is self conscious about herself wonders if she is good enough she also thinks negatively and think that if she died no one would miss her she says she is always ok but really she is breaking down in her head and longs for some one to talk to she hates being alone
Ana a very lonely person pls like this if you want a second one
by Depresseddoughnut21 May 20, 2019
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the most gorgeous girl you will ever meet. intelligent, funny,kind,amazing at sports. every guy wants her and she knows what she wants. Every girl wants to be her friend
by xxxxyyy January 3, 2017
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He is a smart and sexy man. He also gets all the bitchs he wants.
by Madiddie$ September 23, 2017
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