the best sport in the whole world. anyone who doesn't like it is on crack.
hott guys play hockey.
Jr A hockey rocks
fred-"hey u goin to the game tonite?" (obviously means hockey game cause wut else would he be going to?)
bob-"hellz yea man everyones goin, hockey is the best sport in the universe"
by Jade March 21, 2005
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Best Sport in the world, perfected by the Detroit Red Wings and obviously Henrik Zetterberg
Bob: Want to go play the sweetest sport in the history of sports?
Bill: Yea! What's it called?
Bob: Hockey!
by Mrs. Zetterberg April 13, 2009
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is what you yell out when someone asks you a question but you are not sure what they said.
person A- would you like to go out for dinner tonight?

person B- FOR HOCKEY!
by tekonsha1 March 1, 2010
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the best fricken sport in the universe!!! North notts rules!! Kicks footballs ass any day!! Dont argue with me!;-)
by Holly Whittaker February 4, 2005
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the hardest game to play at a high level. way better than basketball for countless reasons. its faster, more physical, and takes way more skill. Lots of skill = hockey player.
Person A : i play basketball because hockey is a sissy sport

Person B : say that one more time and your gonna have more dental problems than a real hockey player buddy
by j-saint April 5, 2006
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Best fuckin sport around...Too bad its not more liked in America
Go St. Louis Blues !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by OH SNAP March 31, 2005
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Hockey is the best fuckin sport around. Probably the most dangerous and expensive sport there is. There is no problem w/ Girl Hockey players either because I am one of them.
Did you just see that hockey game last night
The checking on it was amazing
by Jenith November 4, 2005
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