A useless person ,lacking intelligence and common sense.(tiffany)wtc
tiffany was being a twat waffle at the mall.
by alex" January 8, 2008
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A twat waffle is the wet imprint left on the sheets after a good hard fucking. for those of you who still dont know what im talkin about its when the sheets sticks to her ASS and leaves that funnie imprint on the sheets!!! not sum fuked up waffle being inserted in the pussy tainting were we have to eat. Or reverting to partial canilism and eatin poeple body parts and shit!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE!!!!
last nite i made her cum so many times there was a huge twat waffle on the sheets when we were done.

I'm gonna make that bitch cum all over, all you gonna see is twat waffles for miles
by stubbyzeller April 14, 2009
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Interchangeable with "Pussy Whipped". When a female has such a hold on you as to make your penis resemble a waffle when she releases it from the grip of her iron-like vagina.
Mark is such a Twat Waffle. He can't even fart without Heather's permission.
by Aerianne Fairchilde March 12, 2007
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Step one: Hit a Vagina with a tennis racket at least hard enough to leave an imprint, maybe break some skin.

Step Two: Cover it with Maple Syrup

Step Three: Preform oral sex
I told Jenny the only way I'm going down on her is if I can twat waffle it.
by S. P. Jarlsbeger September 2, 2008
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Noun; A slang term for menstrual pads.
"I am really feeling the flow today, better go down to the pharmacy and catch me a short stack of some twat waffles..."
by icemft99 August 20, 2007
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I very small and exceptionally cute girl. Commonly found to be roaming the streets in a wheel barrow or feeding the neighbours cats.
See that girl over there.. She is an absolute twat waffle
by Cubble99 July 26, 2014
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Someone who is a douche bag, idiot, jerk ect.
When your ex calls you drunk asking to hook up he is being a twat waffle.
by Missj09 November 17, 2009
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