One who does not consume meat.
AKA a vegetarian
"Woah man you don't eat meat!?!"
"Yah.. I'm a veg head"
by Amanda2291 November 11, 2007
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Deriving from a "vegetative" state often used in the medical field, it is a state of total physical apathy, usually on a couch or bed with music or in front of a TV; influence of drugs aids but is not essential to the meaning of the term.

The earliest media use of the term "veg out" originates from the 1990 film Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts says: "Let's watch old movies all night... we'll just veg out in front of the TV."
I'm going to spent all of Saturday to just just veg out on my bed listening to Radiohead and Coldplay.

I wasted a whole Friday night vegging in front of the TV.
by The hardest button to button February 6, 2010
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Momo but with grass and plants fillings instead of meat. It sucks right
(unless you are veg or vegan)
Bushi : "brings veg momo for Zoash"
Dominus : He fucked up! Who tf eats veg momo?

Daken : RIP Bushi
Zoash : "Sharpening knife to make meat out of Bushi"

Meanwhile Veg/Vegan: "Sharpening knife to make vegetables out of the author"
by RedPlay September 9, 2021
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Can be used to say vegetarian or vegan
I became veg*n when I was ten.
by veggieness April 3, 2005
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The aftermath of raw anal sex with your girlfriend in which you are left with corn and the aforementioned "mixed veg" under your foreskin.
"Oh man, I got the old Mixed veg last night and spent hours cleaning it all out. Kinda worth it."
by OldMateRawDogga October 3, 2020
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one who does not eat meat, typically hippies and animal rights activists. though veg head is somewhat of an insult. we prefer the name vegetarian.
dude: num num num... hey you want a bite of my burger?

vegetarian: No I'm a vegetarian.

dude: veg head! how do you live like that!
by silvrrstarr February 24, 2009
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A really furry guy who likes to sleep on the couch and watch tv.
When I got home from school, Veg was laying on the couch watching television.
by FChop August 28, 2006
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