by oddkin January 14, 2005
by DJFlatline November 6, 2007
used to describe the act of placing your face in the crevace of a female's body. the resulting sound of this act will then be, "num num num num num num num..."
by Gropius Maximus April 4, 2003
by smd6969 January 15, 2011
by Frosty April 4, 2003
To express delight at particuarly delicious food, when no other words seem to be enough to descride just how much you are enjoying it.
Person: let's eat our food
Person2: yes
*munch munch*
Person: num num num num num
Person2: Yes it is delicious isn't it
Person2: yes
*munch munch*
Person: num num num num num
Person2: Yes it is delicious isn't it
by numnumnum March 4, 2007
I'm hungry, I need some "Num Nums."
by Jesse Bier July 15, 2003