A word used to describe a girl who either has really small tits or has saggy organgutan tittys.
Hey dude you know that girl sharmane, she has some shit tits.
by poomp head October 29, 2006
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One (A female) who stuffs shit into their bra.
by MRAHHHHH August 18, 2007
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something said at high school for comedy or said by someone with touretts syndrome.
Fuck Shit Cock Tits Balls!
Fuck Shit Cock Tits Balls!
Fuck Shit Cock Tits Balls to you too Liam
by Fuck Shit Cock Tits Balls March 27, 2007
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simply a savory exclamation. combining unusual naughty words is neat
moreover, one can be considered a shit-tit as well as the converse where one accuses another of shit-titdom.
Shit-tit! Where the fuck did you hide those pills kid?!

Jeff you shit-tit stop diddling my Robin Williams and go back to sleep!
by Championship Wrestling January 27, 2011
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an awesome word meaning tits that are extremely shitty. this phrase is normally said when scared, or when you feel like being awesome.

"whoa dude look at those shit tits"
by Some Douch February 4, 2010
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When a man is shitting on a girls chest gets of aim and accidentally shits on her tits.
Girl: My boyfriend is such a dumbass he was shitting on my chest last night but he gave me shit-tits instead.
Friend: Girl you better dump his ass.
by Mr.Trips (jacob barile) November 28, 2007
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Usually described after eating a large meal on St. Patricks which consist of a mass amount of corned beef and corn. After eating this meal you, and or others, shit on a females large breasts. See Turkey Tits
"After a large St. Patties dinner, Brian and Nick tag-teamed Elvira in the upstairs bathroom and had a huge corn in your shit beef tits" fest. Followed by Marc laying down a huge gurn to Elvira.
by Real World Clinton December 7, 2006
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