Ness is a word.. which can be used upon anyword. Anyword Being anyword which links to any other word, ness is the start of all ness.
mm.. Dictionary-ness, thisisgay-ness, dance-ness, cookie-ness, pocky-ness
by Tomness. July 28, 2003
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Ness is the process in which you add 'ness' to the end of words in order to enhance the words meaning.

It can also be used on its own when there isnt a word to describe something or there are multiple items that can be described as a whole.

Ness can also be used inconjunction with 'age' or 'ism' to make a typically boring word more interesting and very long.
bye, see ya later, luvness you.
argggh i need a drinkage.

oh thats so ridiculous im not sure about all this ....slight pause ness.

Oh i have happynessism at the moment.
by Lozenga May 8, 2008
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A Ness is a very cool german guy that is surrounded by women 24/7. Mostly a Ness is a very good basketballplayer.
Girl: Oh look at that guy. That must be a Ness. Otherwise I can't explain why there are so much girls around him!
by D.r.e. August 27, 2007
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a suffix attatched to words which cannot usually have a suphix attatched to fit into a sentance.

used when you are babbling like a drunkard.
dont insult my awsomeness-ness-ness

this car was pure fastness-ness-ness

im confused by this stupid ness-ness-ness form thing
by Marcus 18 May 10, 2006
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A young boy from Onett who is told by an being from ten years in the future that he must save the Earth. Ness continued on to defeat the alien entity named Giygas, along with the help of his friends Paula, Jeff, and Poo. Ness often wears shorts, a blue and yellow striped shirt, a yellow backpack, and his baseball cap. His weapon of choice is a baseball bat, and he can use such powers a PSI Rockin' and PSI Flash.
Ness, I feel h-a-p-p-y.
by Silent Wind of Doom September 14, 2003
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Ness is a suffix that is to be used after most words in your vocabulary, including nouns and proper nouns. Ness doesn't even have to be a suffix, it can be used on it's own and still be awesome. Ness will make any word sound better than it actually is. You can also use ness multiple times to make sure your point is made.
Ex. 1 "The Broness level is extremely high in this defintion"

Ex. 2 ((Bro conversation))

Ex. 3 Nessnessnessnessness, nessness.
by The Bros October 18, 2004
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aka cool , awesome , sweet,
Jonathan: Dude that shirt is ness!
by Cakedude77 February 5, 2010
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