To have a large amount of something good.
Yo, I just got a fuckin' GRIP of weed, so let's blaze that shit up!
by Tom Lowe August 14, 2005
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In the U.S. and Canada, grips are lighting and rigging technicians in the film and video industries.
by XQ!9 July 11, 2008
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To choke or lose control; lose your grip on an object or situation; scared.
When LeBron got to the free throw line with the game hanging by a thread, he was gripping and shot a brick.
by dericolsen March 18, 2009
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a handgun, a pistol, or any other small gun
i went to the club and left my grips in the car.
by sir james May 17, 2005
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Firmly holding the attention or interest; exciting
- Did you watch the new movie of Spiderman?
- Yeah, I did.
- Was it good?
- It was absolutely gripping.
by The C2 Master January 8, 2022
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To get caught comitting an illegal act, usually drug use.
he got gripped by da cops smokin weed
by greg5000 July 8, 2007
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Money or tickets; see also duckets.

The word comes from the paper wrappers money bills are secured with when received from the bank.
"I'd like to get down to da club, but i ain't got no grips, you nowhumsayin, OG?"
by t-r0ck November 29, 2007
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