(n.) The baby (or babies) of a grapefruit and an orange.

(v.) Getting owned or pwnd so bad it's indescribable.
ex. 1)
Gimme some fronge juice. I needs muh vitamin c.

Girl: -kicks man in balls five times-
Random guy: Dude, your ass just got fronged!
by popeandcockrocks February 3, 2010
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an old man looking to hook up with barely legal girls for the purpose of impregnanting them.
He's such a fronge! I can't believe that pregnant teenager actually slept with him and is having his baby! Gross!
by smptd July 22, 2011
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we dont know yet but its really really kick ass and it has a plastic frog to do wif it
by scott + wallass October 23, 2003
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The feeling when you google "how to find out if I have dementia" but all the links are purple
--"I felt fronge when I was searching something in the library."
--"What were you searching for?"
--"I can't remember."
by Stephan6625 February 10, 2023
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when your too lazy to say fr + ong so say frong
today was horrible
by LeGlitchy October 30, 2022
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