Shortened form of Derek when you lack the ablility to type correctly.
Derk is an utterly awesome dude.
by warped columbia February 26, 2004
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someone who goes on urbandictionary everyday to look at the word of the day
John is such a derk. He goes on urbandictionary everyday just to look at the word of the day, he should at least press random a couple times to see whats doin'.
by johanas schmidt October 5, 2008
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A person who is a mix between a dick and a jerk
That guy is such a derk!
by Craig A September 13, 2005
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A combination of a dick and a jerk.

Jerks typically lure drunk girls back to their rooms and have not-so-consensual sex. They pester, prey on and force vulnerable girls into sex at any cost.

They think that their really interesting, attractive and charming guys. In reality, their boring, desperate, unfunny assholes.
Don't be such a rapey dick to that girl, Abi. You're such a DERK, Stu!
by Rdz July 20, 2014
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Getting drunk.
"Mad Derk" very drunk
"Naked Derk" so drunk you get naked
Dude that chick is naked Derk her boobs are huge
by Outlaw43 August 5, 2011
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1. A slang term Used in the place of penis.
2. An inside joke between the closest of friends
"I love derk!" or "that guy has a huge derk!"
by NickGibsonBitch June 28, 2006
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A freakshow idiot who is a huge Nerd who sits on the computer all day
"Derk, you are such a nerd!"
"Get a life, Derk"
by Joe April 7, 2004
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