A Clementine is the result of a cheeto dick and an ass tulip.
That clementine I gave your mom last night looked like the real thing until it started bleeding.


Hey Slick, I licked the clementine I gave your little sister. It wasn't as sweet and juicy as I expected, but I had to get the taste of her meatloaf out of my mouth somehow.
by Josh Wright January 12, 2005
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When, Late at night, the male in the relationship approaches his spouse not to be seen by her in any way, and while she watches her favorite late night sit-com on the love seat in her newly furnished living room, the male appears... very slowly from behind the couch, and when fully covering her body with his monsterous shadow, he pours a bag of sugar on her forehead and runs away faster than the man on the side of my gatorade bottle.
My Wife was startled by the massive Clementine i unleashed on her face when she was watching HOuse.
by FLincher?!?!?! May 13, 2006
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A badass person. One who usually is the real party guy and knows what he doing.
Dude! Look at Clementine! Hes the only one who could do that!
by that-one-cool-guy July 20, 2009
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The inability to finish any piece of work no matter what the reward offered or with any regard as to how beneficial the reward might be
"i'm just gonna clementine on this job, sod it"

"I know they offered me loads of money, but i'm just gonna clementine my way out of this one"
by Kingwillasa June 18, 2013
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The most funny French man who is incredibly good looking and a master of the intercourse with females
by Mathewmathias May 22, 2018
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A fruit used by Asians for masturbational purposes. While other races usually use a grapefruit, a grapefruit is too much for an Asian to handle. Often heated up for more satisfaction.
German: I'm gonna go jerk with my grapefruit. Wanna come?
Asian: Konichiwa. No. I'll stick to my clementine.
by Jalapeno De Aweschomeness January 19, 2009
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When a mandarin has sex with an orange it made Clementine. Also one a really common song names for some strange reason.
You: You know Ivanka Trump,
Them: Yeah shes a total Clementine.
by Morphological March 7, 2017
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