1.) People.

A body of believers. The Church is everyone who believes in and has a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We are here to support eachother, encourage eachother, keep eachother accountable- this means being honest with someone who is a member of the "church" even when they don't want to hear it, but need to hear it. The church is called to love God and love others (including and expecially people who do not believe) we are called to serve others and do it with a humble heart looking for no praise or reward. Church is a group of people who love Jesus and unite to make a difference in the world.

2.) Place

The difference between THE church and A church. A church is commonly known as the building that Christians meet at to worship God and hear a sermon from a preacher and socialize. Though not neccessary for salvation, It is important for Christians to find a good Church in their area that suits them well.

3.) Thing.

Church is, again, not a building. Church is for fellowship (building relationships with other Christians who will help you grow and walk along side of you in your walk with Christ), worship (bringing glory to God, this could be through singing, or serving others, the way you speak, act, or live your life, using whatever gifts God gave you in His name) and digging into the word (reading and studying the bible, disecting it, figuring out what everything means and how it applies to your life). Church can happen any time and anywhere.
"We are the church, we need to start acting like it."

"What church do you go to?"

"I go to Bethany Baptist"
"Oh cool I go to Pacific Lutheran Church"

"Church is canceled because of the blizzard, hey lets have church right here!"
by a member of the church August 26, 2009
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Act of saying goodbye or agreeing to something.
1st person - I'll meet you fools after the game at the G-man!
2nd person - Aight CHURCH! (making offical by forming a "C" with your right hand.
by Brian Cooke October 16, 2006
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A place where some guy in a costume gives u lessons on how to live life and what to do everyday mainly for people who can't think for themselves
Did u hear about church?
Yeah its the biggest lie in human history
by the man with a stick November 18, 2015
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1. A place people go up to several times a week so they can feel good about themselves for being brainwashed into giving a percentage of their hard-earned paycheck to an invisible man that pays no taxes, yet never has enough money. 2. A building people gather in once a week to compare clothes.
You should have been in church last Sunday night. I think they called it "repenting".
by Lesh June 20, 2003
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is synonymous with the word peace. said when leaving someone or some group's presence.
by the maing December 5, 2003
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The reason why I cringe when I wake up on a Sunday morning. And I had no choice but to go back when I was a kid. I really don't see what exactly is so "spiritually enlightening" about going to Church anyway, because it's just the same exact 2-3 hour service every week, even if they sing two different songs about God's love and Jesus Christ. And I always get that nagging feeling that it's just not natural or right to force oneself to endure hours of monotonous singing and the same old tired speech about how we're all sinners and Jesus loves us.
And yeah the Church claims to promote peace and love, even though it killed millions in the past in the name of God. And I don't see what's the whole point of praying to God for help when he hides himself and refuses to answer our prayers.
by why? July 20, 2003
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Nowadays grandparents tell us that fandoms are stupid but they are the ones going to church every weekend.
by Wolfy_pancakes January 29, 2016
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