Brug Is the Common Mispelling Of "Bruh". But It can also mean "Simp+ Idiot+what" in the same word.
Your a "Brug"- If brug is used in this way your being called a simp or an idiot.
2.'Brug'- Use this to mean "What?!?"
by Magikyl July 3, 2020
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noun. Represents the entire left side of one's body according to the Conzel-Rondklin school of thought. It is connected to the shug, and in turn, the ever popular rugg. Has a tendancy to get cold.
allow me to warm your brug
by the epic that is jeff April 28, 2008
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basically a typo of bruh but with a g instead of an h
this word is used in aminos
hey look at this weird photo
by wow omg so surprised gasp August 12, 2019
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