Stoner 1: Brookline: a town full of stoners with reading dissabilities who cant spell and love sublime
Stoner 2: dude i'm a really good reader
Stoner 1: but can you spell?
Stoner 2:
Stoner 1: well, there ya go
"I smoke two joints in the morning, i smoke two joints at night. I smoke two joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright..." - sublime
by Emma December 31, 2005
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The place that Heath school resides.
Heath is cool. Ms. Katzmen is a dick.
by Anon December 6, 2004
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We all pretend to be gangsta in brookine when really we are not
Those kids in Brookline are really not as gangster as they think they are
by Jack O boots’ friend June 20, 2021
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A place in Pittsburgh. According to rich kids, it's the "ghetto", and every girl who lives there is white-trash, a prostitute, and a dirty whore.
Rich Girl: "She's from Brookline, so she's obviously a dirty slut that spends her free time working the corner."
by HelloWorld102 January 28, 2010
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A suburb of Boston full of potheads, liberals, jews, and faggots (when I say faggots I don't mean it in a bad way. I say it because Brookline is extremely liberal and there are homosexuals everywhere.)
Brookline is better than Newtom in every possible way. Newton is just a terrible city to be in. Brookline has, on the other hand, produced many great people like JFK, Conan o'brien, Jon Stewart, and Theo Epstein.
by Mister Misses January 8, 2009
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a town located west of boston, massachusetts (for those of u idiots who've never heard of it) has a wide variety of people, including the extremely wealthy, and less wealthy. home to "The Country Club" (the original one!). public school kids can be known as potheads, but the much cooler private schoolers who go the the many elite schools in the area, tend to be cleaner (think nobles, dana hall, dexter...). the town has beautiful scenery. is also home to many stars, like connan obrion. far superior to dumb-ass newton.
brookline kid: brookline is cool.
newton kid: no newton is.
brookline kid: no newton sucks balls!
by brookline girll April 29, 2008
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