by alex koz October 13, 2006
Brookline is a small town in MA where kids enjoy smoking weed and shopping on Newbury st. in Boston. They all pretend to be poor & cheap while living in $1,000,000 worth houses and parents as doctors.
Brookline High School students:
Person #1:"Hey, lets go to Newbury street!"
Person #2: "Wait, let's go smoke some blunts first.."
Person #1: *Looks in wallet and finds a 20 dollar bill* "Naah man, don't got the money."
Person #1:"Hey, lets go to Newbury street!"
Person #2: "Wait, let's go smoke some blunts first.."
Person #1: *Looks in wallet and finds a 20 dollar bill* "Naah man, don't got the money."
by coolkidz May 6, 2008
A place where cool kids hang out. Next to Newton, which is where the losers hang out. Also the place where Conan O'brien attended highschool. Word.
Newton kid: HEY, can wanna hang out?
Brookline kid: uuuhhh, you're a complete jackass.
Newton kid: whatever, I didn't want to hang out anyways
Brookline kid: uuuhhh, you're a complete jackass.
Newton kid: whatever, I didn't want to hang out anyways
by Annnay April 12, 2005
Stoner 1: Brookline: a town full of stoners with reading dissabilities who cant spell and love sublime
Stoner 2: dude i'm a really good reader
Stoner 1: but can you spell?
Stoner 2:
Stoner 1: well, there ya go
Stoner 2: dude i'm a really good reader
Stoner 1: but can you spell?
Stoner 2:
Stoner 1: well, there ya go
"I smoke two joints in the morning, i smoke two joints at night. I smoke two joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright..." - sublime
by Emma December 31, 2005
by Anon December 6, 2004
by Jack O boots’ friend June 20, 2021
A place in Pittsburgh. According to rich kids, it's the "ghetto", and every girl who lives there is white-trash, a prostitute, and a dirty whore.
Rich Girl: "She's from Brookline, so she's obviously a dirty slut that spends her free time working the corner."
by HelloWorld102 January 28, 2010