An ebonetic verb or noun describing the rather gawdy and tacky, huge, gangsta preferred costume jewelry worn by urban ghetto thugs. Also: Sparklie
VERB: He be bling-bling.

NOUN: He have bling-bling in his grill.
by Charles E. Smithers October 9, 2003
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A piece of jewlery... Gold, and/or silver. Most gang members will wear them and/steal them. Most white people will wear them to look "cool". Pimps will most likely be wearing them with pink or velvet cloths.
by Mitch-Crazy July 26, 2005
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Obsession with Ostentatious Fashion;

The word blinge has been derived from two words bling and binge..
Bling means - Ostentatious Fashion or High Fashion or Fashion for the Rich
Binge Means - Obsession with food or any other thing
Women have a blinge for sexy night dresses, cute shoes and accessories.

Blinge fashion is the hipster fashion!
by Blinge Fashion Lover May 19, 2015
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Show-off wealth; anything that sparkles. The more tasteless the better. Expression comes from the sound an old-fashioned cash register drawer would make: "cha-ching" morphed into this.
The richest people in the world aren't into bling-bling; you can buy style, but not taste.
by TomV January 25, 2005
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Blinge refers to online fashion subscription in India, from where people can subscribe for branded clothes on a monthly basis
by ayepee June 5, 2015
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n bling blinging 1: extravagant possessions esp jewelry adj 2: lavish and exorbitant lifestyle
<Look at the ~ he's got on his finger>
<As the limousine arrives, the awaiting passengers think to themselves—We'll be ~ today.>
by Luke December 19, 2003
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Somthing a negro would say to make their Kmart quality jewlery sound better.
Negro :I just went to Kays Jewlers and bought me some Bling Bling.
Me: Fagget *Sacrafices*
by Hitsua June 2, 2004
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