The act of prancing someone.
Marc got done up like a kipper
by BigBoy200 October 23, 2019
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A word used by the Scots that is slang for idiot or fuck. The more you use the word the funnier it will be.
"Mate, I burnt your toast"
"You are a fucking kipper
by costuntoro21 December 24, 2014
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UK English. Drunk, high, hungover or generally messed up in anyway. Injured.
Man I feel kippered tonight.

I got well kippered last night.
by MrKipper October 9, 2020
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Short for:

K ids


anyway, it just means grown ups who still live with there parents.
The British comedy "My Family" has a kipper in it.
by Na January 24, 2004
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A cigarette.

From the German slang for cigarette(s): Kippe(n)
Give me a kipper please mate.

Where are my kippers?
by Sancho Panzer June 11, 2007
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A member of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). I.e a bigoted, xenophobic rightwing loon who cares deeply about the cultural marxist anarcho-leninist joo EUSSR banning Christmas, bee-killing pesticides and the native English curvy cucumbers, and giving the mooslims human rights.
Kippers aren't welcome in Schotland, apparently.

David Cameron won't prosper by trying to outkip the Kippers (Guarniad headline)
by AnarchoLeninist June 8, 2013
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Someone who is in a bad mood, angry or stressed.

He's got a right kipper on.
by W'action April 18, 2007
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