National Toe-Tip day. You gotta just walk on your toe tips all day. No excuses. No weaknesses.
January 25
Dan ~ *looking elsewhere*
Barry ~"Oh hi Dan"
Dan~*physically gasps, staring at Barry's bloodied toes*"Oh jeez, Barry, what's uh...what's going on with your.. feet man..?"
Barry ~ "DAN YOU SILLY GOOSE. You know it's national Toe-Tip day."
by Gu355Wh05B4ck December 6, 2019
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"Omg, did u know that January 25 is the official emo day
by urstepsister69 January 25, 2022
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National “Give Your Boy Bsf A Hoodie Day
Person 1: Hey here’s a hoodie
Person 2: Thanks, but why did you give me this?
Person 1: It’s january 25!
by azzyy.frr January 25, 2023
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Boy 1:it’s January 25th this is your chance
Boy 2:ok here foes nothing
by fgjhdfnk January 25, 2021
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On January 25 one boys must be annoyed.
Girl : Hi dumb

Boy : why did you say that ?

Girl : January 25
by annastok January 22, 2022
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A person that was born on January 25th is simply the best person you'll ever meet

And he will jerk off Dominik
1:I think his birthday is on January 25th
2: if it is let's have kids with him
by ILoveDominikstoes November 22, 2021
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