Straight guy : "Hey man you up for a wet toga?"

Gay guy: "What?"
by mickyknox69 May 27, 2018
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When a girl sucks a guy’s dick until it’s nice and wet, and he thrusts it into her ear at mach speeds.
1: Yo that chick from the party last night went to the hospital

2: why?

1: Avery gave her a Supreme Wet Willy and she got brain damage and a broken ear drum
by Flahugulus Bouglar July 26, 2019
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When you begin to put yourself into sexual behaviour over text, for example sexting.
by Valkyrixa October 1, 2022
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"Payne tries hard in pubs, he is a WeT HiP"
by Appetite March 30, 2008
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When ur partner puts wet chapsticks all over there asshole. Then you have anal sex. After you have oral sex and that’s how you put on wet chapstick
Baby come put some wet chapstick on me
by Wet chapstick February 10, 2021
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When you are sexting and it gets pretty hot to the point where she’s wet and tip is sticky
Damn bro we were wet texting until I came
by Damn bro she’s hot December 6, 2021
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Tacho WalletWet LettuceSausage Wallet
After watching Fifty shades of Grey her vagina was like a wet trench
by CU1092 April 6, 2018
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