The 3 reasons your best friend gives, to not hang out tonight.

Christina can be substituted with your friend's girls name.

The Baby can be substituted with Work or School tomorrow.

Stuff CANNOT be substituted. It isn't really a proper excuse, and is more than likely a lie just to get you off the phone.

This classic excuse is usually given by the mayor of Cappy-o Town
Jefe: You wanna hang out tonight? It's a Division matchup on Monday Night Football, Bears Vikings

Big Cranium: I can't man.........Christina the Baby Stuffs
by ScaldedDog August 25, 2009
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Some low-life whore who likes to put hearts on her pussy and copy Lady GaGa and deny it like a whore she sucks The Devil's dick everyday just to survive while he yells "You Dirty Bitch!!"
Satan: Suck My Dick Bitch Or I'll Slice Your Fucking Neck Christina Augilera:I Don't Want 2 *Cries* Satan: WHAT?!?! I'LL KILL YOU I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!! Christina:OK!OK!
by ItzHaleyBitch October 25, 2010
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A small insect-like thing, with black skinny legs, fat pink body and christina aguilera's head. Seen by Cartman on South Park after he begins taking medication for his eyesight.
"Ah, amn I've been seeing these little pink Christina aguilera monsters all over the place."
"Whatever fatass"
by My name April 23, 2005
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An American author and former philosophy professor who is best known for her writings on and criticism of modern feminism. Two of her most notable books are “Who Stole Feminism?” and “The War on Boys”. She is also known for coining the terms "equity feminist" and "gender feminist." The former being about having equal legal rights between men and women, while the latter is having a gynocentric view on society, which is usually synonymous with hating men. Sommers considers herself an equity feminist and is critical of gender feminism. In 2013, she was awarded the Exceptional Merit in Media Award by the National Women's Political Caucus, founded by Gloria Steinem.

Feminists and social justice warriors have accused Sommers of being anti-feminist and a right-wing, misogynist. Sommers responded with a tweet reading; "Some critics denounce me as 'right-winger.' Fact: Former sixties flower child/socialist. Now (registered) Democrat -- with libertarian leanings.” Ironically, most of her supporters tend to identify as antifeminist or egalitarian, rather than feminist. Sommers also hosts a video blog, "The Factual Feminist," in which she discusses the latest issues involving feminism with credible sources to back up her claims. She is also a supporter of GamerGate, a group of people within the gaming industry against unethical behavior and radical beliefs being forced into the mainstream. Many have given her the nickname "Based Mom" as a sign of respect.
Christina Hoff Sommers brings up a great deal of interesting and factual information regarding feminism in modern-day society.
by spootyhead May 20, 2016
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Using dry-shampoo spray on your hair and caking on more makeup onto your dirty, unwashed face, in place of taking an actual shower. This procedure will give you a dew-like glow and make you appear sticky to the touch, just like Christina Aguilera.
"I get off work late tonight, so I'll just take a Christina Aguilera shower and I'll be good to go to the party."

"We're going on a 5-day camping trip... thank God for the Christina Aguilera shower."
by mal_the_gal July 3, 2012
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Grimmie was an talented singer and YouTuber better known as "Zeldaxlove64". In July 17, 2009 her friend, Lauren Longo, posted a cover of Grimmie singing at the age 15, Grimmie later got noticed and a tons of people started to subscriber her, and She started to call them frands, but she then gave them a name "Team Grimmie". Grimmie loved and cared about her fans so much, She didn't want them to make bad decisions or hurt themselves because that will hurt her, She even said in a video of hers saying " the reason I've got this far, because of you guys, you guys have supported me so much and in thankful and grateful to have you guys, you are a family to me and I care & love you guys so much, keep rawwking, Team Grimmie Rawwks."
Grimmie released 3 albums.
Unfortunately in June 10, 2016 Grimmie was shot and kill in one of her concerts, An insane fan went up to her, Grimmie as always sweet and happy, open her arms and she was expecting a hug, but the fan then shot her 3 times, Mark Grimmie tackled the fan to protect the others, he saved a tons of lives but the only life that he didn't save, was his baby sister, Grimmie was sent to the hospital fast, but tragic news, Grimmie has passed away at the 22. Since that day Team Grimmie been Staying Strong and keeping her legacy going, Grimmie family been having rough time still, so pray for them still.
Grimmie you'll be missed deeply and will not be forgotten, we promise you. 💚
March 12th 1994 - June 10th 2016 - ∞
We lost an talented and beautiful angel that day named, Christina V. Grimmie.
May you Rest In Peace angel.
by Team Grimmie December 27, 2016
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when you when you.m make a realloy good cheese pizza but it's tpoo hot
#@ah fuck cleo christina wallace gahh:@
by wheeeeeeeewheeeeeeee March 9, 2021
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