a tactical fighting rpg game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. using blue squares to move in a grid, it is surprisingly fun. the franchise has collabed with totally normal things, like Seven Eleven.
yoo, did you check out the 7-11 and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia crossover??
by KnownAsOmega2436 May 6, 2023
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"When your with the squad and it's lit"- Evan Downing
Buddy it was gang fire last night fam
by Evan Downing November 19, 2019
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When you make a 360 degree turn and then proceed to firmly place your hand across (preferably) the persons face, imprinting your handprint on their face for 1-3 days.
Man, Tyler just chinese fire slapped that weird kid ahmet. His face finna look like a tomato for the next 2 days!
by EDP(.)(.)6969 October 10, 2018
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To have explosive diarrhea that is so intense that the sheer force of the shit emerging from your ass causes severe abrasions to the back of your scrotum
“Yeah Gary’s not gonna be out of there for a while, he had balls of fire and is currently hollering in great and obvious pain”.
by Dr Distress August 6, 2021
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like lava but more fiery and more water like
dude that fire puddle messsed me up real bad
by Devilvoy March 11, 2015
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When something is more than "fire" it is fire pack
by Cayzd January 23, 2019
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