When you pop a dip dipping tobacco in your upper lip.
His lower tray was raw so he embraced top-shelving a beaver pinch.
by hilarioyo November 16, 2015
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During cowgirl sex, with the girl on top, before the man ejaculates, he grabs her and wrestles her over, ejaculating on top of her to show dominance.
Jessica: "Josh did the Top-Dog Finishing move on me last night, it was SO hot."
by Soonfald May 4, 2020
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Tin Top, what a simp.

Hear Tin Top, simping all the time.
by cupotea1234 April 19, 2021
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in a whole mess of pain, referring to how a gay man's anus will probably be very unbearable pain-wise after he, does the dirty.
"My God is your bone sticking out of your head? You look Hurt More Than A Gay Top After Anal Sex."
by JackMasterBater November 9, 2023
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jumping off a high place, meaning suicide off the top, used in a joking way. no harm done, usually used when playing games.
*context; in a hill, tower, about to drop down, or just any high place* playboikobe: AYY SUEY OFF THE TOP BOYS!!
by piggle riggle ri June 18, 2022
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Usually happens during surprise anal, when a woman has not evacuated their bowels properly. You usually get a five second warning after you mash a turd with your meat stick. Then suddenly, she needs to shit, so you pull out and the tip of your penis is wearing a top hat made of poo.
"After Katie gave me a chocolate top hat, life was not the same. No amount of soap can ever clean me. I might as well throw my dick out."
by Turdgod December 27, 2016
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