It means cool in a poggers way 😎 (or swag)
“u poggers?” “hope u r poggers”
by Iamswag14 May 16, 2021
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To express excitement about something or someone.
This term is from a streaming platform called "Twitch."
It comes from a emote from the site called "PogChamp", which has now been changed to show a picture of a reptile with it's mouth open instead of the face of Ryan Gutierrez due to some controversy.
Person 1: "Yoooo, I just got a high score!"
Person 2: "Poggers!"
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derogatory term for twitch/discord users
"Get out of my face, you fucking pogger!" - some middle-aged white man
by drethedrgn February 2, 2021
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Singular pogger
That's kinda pogger ngl.
by lordoffridges July 9, 2021
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word that a twitch mod that mods for pokimane would say
Moderator: Holy shit that was poggers poki!!!!!
Random person in chat: shut the fuck up fatass mod, go touch some grass
by OSUGAMEGAMER August 2, 2022
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can be used for coolness
Jeff : I have 10 packs of marawona in my house

Me: That's very Poggers
by kaimei2 December 22, 2022
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