Characterized by an assertion that each individual control to improve the security of an application is not perfect and can be defeated they are all pointless to attempt to implement
Pat is a Security Nihilist, wouldn't even put a password in an app to access bank accounts.
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Used to command someone to be careful with a precious resource, especially to prevent their talents, positive traits, or advantages of any kind from going to waste or turning into something negative. We are all given a certain amount of butter for our bread, and the more we have, the harder it can be to secure. All it takes is one moment of carelessness, and that butter may slip off the bread and into the toaster as we are trying to use its residual heat to warm the butter to an optimal temperature in the post-toasting phase of toast preparation. The next thing we know, the toaster is giving off a noxious scent of burnt butter as a lingering reminder of the mistake we have made.
Girl, you best secure that butter! You have a lot going for you, but I'd hate for it to fall into the toaster and haunt you forever.
by tjjohn12 March 31, 2016
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A sentence used when talking about a deal involving an unknown, but probably high amount of money. Used most commonly in music when a specific artist is featured on somebody else's song, or in entertainment in regards to sponsorships and advertisements. "secure" becomes "secured" in the past tense
"I wish 21 Savage wasn't on that DJ Khaled song, but hey, he had to secure the bag."

"Dude, I got an e-mail asking me to do a Raid: Shadow Legends ad a few weeks ago."
- "Did you do it?"
- "Damn right! I secured the bag, y'know?"
by L_? March 10, 2020
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Pedo security guards from third party companies who get jobs in student accommodations in order to watch the students and be general perverts, even going so far as to raping drunk students Leeds Beckett university recently had a case of a girl being raped by a security guard after being taken away for being 'Too drunk.'
"Did you go to the pres at Liv's accom?"
"Yeah, it took a while to get in though cause i kept getting harassed by nonce security."
by Juzst November 8, 2020
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A term used by scammers to refer to gift cards, typically for the company they are impersonating, in order to trick victims into sending them money under the false pretence of keeping their account secure.
Sir, go to your nearest store and buy a $100 security card so your Amazon account won't get hacked.
by childishbeat March 25, 2023
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