1) A term used to describe a series of events or more than one in a collective group of fucked up situations that come together in one gigantic chaotic situation.

2) Term used to describe an orgy

3) A single clueless, air brained individual that inevitably messes up everything they touch.
1) My promotion to Supervisor and placed on salary along with the added extra hours has turned out to be one huge Cluster-fuck.

2) My Bro Ziggy and I banged three really hot chicks the other night in the most awesome and spontaneous sorority Cluster-fuck ever.

3) I let my girlfriend drive my car while hers was being serviced and she slammed into a parked police car while reading a text from her BFF and turns out the bitch had a suspended license for the exact same violation three other times, what a cluster-fuck.
by Chief Rock-a-Ho March 26, 2014
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A word used in a stressful situation;
An insult implying that one person or a group of people are messy, idiotic, and overall just a waste of human resources.
Person One:"This Mid-Term has me so stressed. It's going to leave me looking like a Cluster-Fuck!"

Person Two:"God.. Those girls are all just a bundle of Cluster-Fuck(s)!"

Person Three: -Traffic, Late for important meeting- "CLUSTER-FUCKS!"
by HeyyyItsATaco February 27, 2017
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A phrase used by Stephen King in 'Under the Dome' a more PC way of saying cluster F&%$!!!! discribes a situation like FUBAR or SNAFU
the snoclops guy..roch ny
after 911 the airports have turned into a cluster muck!
by snoclops June 13, 2012
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1. A streak of random luck for someone who doesn't deserve it.
2. A person who gets lucky without deserving it.
Look at that complete cluster luck who won the lottery! I guess Lady Luck really is blind, because that guy is a complete prick.
by das.sprache.meister March 8, 2015
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when you put popping candy in your hand and fist your partner
I gave Ellis the best knuckle cluster last night behind MacDonald's
by bigjigga69 May 9, 2021
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When you're in bed with your man and he lodges his entire fist into your cooch. he then squirms his hand around until he sees his knuckles through your belly. Once seen they instantly cum.
Ronald: Did you hear? Samantha got knuckle clustered by David
Arnold: Really?
Ronald: Yeah. She died mid-way and he sat there cumming. He soiled the bed sheets completely white
Arnold: Damn. It was good when I railed her ya'know?
by I'mAGlugGlugVacuum6900;) January 11, 2023
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A less than optimal bowel movement, the consistency of which is marked by an aggregate of clusters as opposed to a watery product or the much coveted compact submarine.
Max felt much better, physically and mentally, after his

cluster-dump: it wasn't his regular full bowel but it also wasn't his irritable bowel syndrome. Max was happy.
by MaxVonEsquire August 16, 2021
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