LOL but spelled because no one actualy says laugh out oout loud. could also be elle au elle, el eau elle, or really any other way to spell it!
you're so funny el oh el!
by elohelelemayo January 11, 2021
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Trying to say “Lol” but hinting that the person saying it is a homosexual
Mark: Dude have you seen this funny video?
Logan: El Oh El!
by barlesbown April 23, 2023
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the definition of “oh my niggagod” is oh my god nigga
“oh my niggagod ur so fucking retarted killyourself”
by stunnaforvegas August 21, 2023
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1) oh no
2) yikes
friend 1: “I’m sick
adriano: “oh jee
friend 2: “I just failed a test”
adriano: “oh jee”
by darnelliskuul September 26, 2019
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Derived from Red Dwarf, it is used when Rimmer attempts to simulate Jacobean courting. It means a man who uses a cheesy move to try and pull a woman. It's very similar to "Oh Matron!" from the Carry On films.
Katie just said that I had a lovely smile. She's hotter than the sun! I'll try yawning and putting my arm around her slender shoulders. Oh my lady!
by Lavynia May 23, 2014
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