Someone with a anime pfp who is also an American and is defending LGBTQ.

In most cases they don't have parents.
Not valid opinion, you have defended lgbtq and america thus making you cringe. Allah will win.
by Brezhnev_enjoyer_28 February 1, 2022
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A phrase popularized/ originating from YouTuber 1090 Jake. It means to have an opinion or share your 2 cents about something.
Person 1: did you hear that Charles got arrested for beating his wife?

Person 2: yeah. In my humble Caucasian opinion, Charles is a piece of shit
by Pimp & b May 18, 2021
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Nice opinion, just one tiny problem with it. Inspecting your post, it looks like your opinion is different from mine. Let me tell you something, I am the baseline for opinions. Any opinion I hold is objectively correct and as a result, any other opinions are wrong. Guess what? You happen to hold the wrong one! I hope you know that your opinion is now illegal. I have contacted the FBI, CIA, the NSA, the navy seals, secret service, and your mom! You'll be sorry you ever shared your opinions, by the time you're reading this, you'll be done for. Nature will punish you, humanity will punish you, space will punish you. We decided just to make sure we'll nuke your house from orbit. So there's no chance you can run away, everyone will know you will die. It's a small price to pay, to remove your wrong opinion from this world.
by francac March 21, 2023
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Ian's Opinions is what is usually a response to what a normal individual would say or a questions towards someone which is then hated and told that nobody cares about by someone who is usually their ex-girlfriend who has built up mass hatred towards them.
Normal Individual: Ian reads too many books.

Ian: Well I actually have finished the book which I have been reading most recently.


Ian: Okay.

Individual: She's always hating on "Ian's Opinions".
by LOLXD21 June 19, 2018
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A crusty opinion is an opinion ain‘t nobody wanna hear ITS CRUSTYYYY
Somebody: girl you r so ugly
Me: Did i ask for your crusty opinion
by The realest O.G. June 2, 2019
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