Fat human that no one likes and hangs around with a peacock and the peacock is a big annoying cock
Lorraine ness is annoying
by Human3000 October 31, 2019
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When you don't mean anything but people snort, wheeze and guffaw when you say it.
*Raining outside, you come inside*
"I am so wet now."
People laugh
"Ok, I did not mean it that way (The Accidental Horny-ness is REAL)"
by OMGitzMeh January 4, 2017
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Having the incessant ambiance of vagina. It generally refers to a dude who lacks dude qualities.
Yeah, bro... it's a sausage party, but Paul's complete vag-i-ness keeps the whole thing balanced.
by The British Guy February 24, 2009
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Finesse god, clever, sexy, charming, pulls women with effortless communication and body language accuracy.
"Damn bro, Tyler smashed Kayla and Jenny last night at the same time!? He just met them at the party last night"
"Dude is a total Ness God"
by TheKrispyDog May 12, 2021
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Caleb: Hey what's been wrong with David lately?
Patrick: He's just got a lot of Bitch-ass-ness in his sytem
by Cavid Manham November 10, 2015
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Having the qualities and characteristics of a bitch ass individual. Usually an adjective.
Caleb- What's wrong with (name) today?

Patrick- It's that bitch-ass-ness I was telling you about.

Caleb- What about it?

Patrick- He/She has a lot of in her system.
by Cavid Manham November 10, 2015
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Luke P. from Hannah’s season of the bachelorette. Someone who makes everything about them and snakes their way into every conversation.
“I’m not gonna let the Luke-Ness Monster snake his way into Hannah’s heart.”
by Mtessa17 June 18, 2019
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