by chick-fa-le October 6, 2020
by Casual Boi July 19, 2018
An amazing YouTuber and Diet Coke addict who makes theories about video games and movies. He also does livestreams with his wife, Steph, at 4pm PST every weekday. His channel started out with him as a dorky theater kid doing auditions, and while he's still a dork he's a cool dork. Also pretty cute if I do say so myself.
by PoweredByDietCoke June 8, 2017
An internet idol whom inspired a culture and highly intelligent society. Host of Gametheory, one of the most highly intellectual beings to walk Earth.
To commit a highly intellectual action.
An internet idol whom inspired a culture and highly intelligent society. Host of Gametheory, one of the most highly intellectual beings to walk Earth.
To commit a highly intellectual action.
MatPat is my idol! I tune in to Gametheory all the time!
If my calculations are correct, which they are for I Matpatted, I will have created a quantum accelerator.
MatPat is my idol! I tune in to Gametheory all the time!
If my calculations are correct, which they are for I Matpatted, I will have created a quantum accelerator.
by MatPat FanClub February 9, 2021
MatPat. A person who obsesses over video games, and is addicted to diet coke. May or may not have a cute wife named Stephanie, and a jerky cat named Skip. May also have a neuroscience background, and previous dance and musical theatre backgrounds.
by assholeidiot July 31, 2017
A man who is often ridiculed for being incorrect from his theories even though they are just theories.
by IsaiahWallaceOukum March 22, 2023
Matpat is a diet coke addict who did in someway get his youtube channel ( The Game Theorist) famous. He does livestreams on youtube with his wife steph. He even has a cat called Catpat and he is the only reason anyone watches the livestreams. Matpat is a real nerd.
by A Loyal Theorist June 2, 2016