Not to be confused with a vibe. A calm boom is rush of emotion, deriving from a healthy combination of pressure and pleasure. Enough pressure to make you react and enough pleasure to make you relax. All at the same time.

Calm Boom can be used as both a verb and a noun
Yo last night was a movie... matter fact it was a calm boom

that album was fire... he really made a calm boom
by JAVBOOM January 14, 2020
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When someone is so mad , for no rational reason.
Hey man I'm pissed Debbie is dating Ray, she knows his brothers friend and I are friends!!!
Calm the fuck down Cujo
by C. Jack. Forrester February 14, 2017
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The act of calming one's tits by doing calming things. Like tit massages.
*Vinit calms tits*
Becca: Wow, Vinit, you have mastered the art of tit-calming.
by TitsFromDahisar November 8, 2019
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The hermit crab version of calm yo tits.
Used by protective parents, some kids never grow out of it.
I hate you
Wooo! Calm yo grits.
What!? What does that mean?
by Parkderp1 February 1, 2016
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People are always telling you to calm down and you get sick and tired of them saying that so you

say you’re not calmed up”
Oh Suzanne would you just calm down
No I’m not calmed up
by SHAPIRO-T May 24, 2021
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A girl who is silent for years and keeps listening and listening and listening and listening and then people keep getting more and more and more her nerves and she is patient for long and Then one day explodes and then people question her “ is she crazy ? “

She is crazy , she was little crazy before I never thought she was extremely crazy like that .
And we need to place her to mental hospital maybe . But then she is very dangerous bomb like unknown Mina and people think she is such a girl who doesn’t responds and shy and very powerless so we can say anything we want to her till we drive her crazy and then put all that blame on her together. .while she is very thoughtful lady.
Hey : you know that girl she is crazy

Hello : but I thought she was good , she is very friendly , but sometimes looks sad .

No she is crazy because I really got on her nerves too much that I don’t know how to make her a good girl again .now I can’t stop her .

So I gotta call her crazy so she can become powerless and keeps listening to every crap I say and we all can break her to the core till she becomes real crazy . Calm girl
by 1234567890986531782& April 18, 2020
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