insult: A idiot who thinks they are not gay but they are gay and when you tell them they are gay the say 'same'. they are hard of hearing and sometimes forgets how to speak english.
by LEGO_BRICK3000 July 23, 2021
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To inflict actual lumpage to someone's head and face
Bob needed "Lumps" for not paying me back.
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When a person is so lazy and cant get out of bed.
Woman- "What are you doing?"
Man-"Just laying around being lump"
by Eatmee February 12, 2021
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An obese creature that communicates in a language of snorting and has a series of mental health problems that affect how it behaves, resulting in craziness, stupidity, and overeating.
My great great great great great great great grandma is a fat lump.
by Obese_feetofmine April 11, 2023
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Essentially a very low effort run. Involves the bouncier motion found with running but the gait itself is that of a walk.

Can be used as a noun or a verb.
"How was your morning?"
"It was pretty good, Katrina and I went for a lump." (Noun)

"It too hot to run so im just gonna go lumping instead."
by Khocky April 18, 2023
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Another name used to describe the gluteus maximus, the derriere, the buttocks, the booty, the ass! Usually used to describe the buttocks of a well endowed woman/man (woman/man with a big booty)! Used most often by men who prefer the position "doggie style" or by those who really appreciate the lady's posterior attributes!
"Baby, those PUMP LUMPS are lookin good in those jeans!"
"Did you see how big that girls butt is? I'd like to get hold of those PUMP LUMPS!"
"OMG BECKY, did you see her PUMP LUMPS?"
"The bigger the lumps, the more he pumps!"
by PaLump November 23, 2020
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