1. Best Office Buddy
2. Best Office Buddies (plural) - BOBs
I'm going to have lunch with my BOB.
I'm going to have lunch with my BOBs today.
by BOBceo March 13, 2020
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An acronym for Bernie or Bust. Originally describing individuals in 2016 who refused to vote for Hillary Clinton, and opted to write in Bernie Sanders on the ballot. Since then, it has taken on a broader deffinition, describing people who are "busting" from the Democratic party because Bernie is not on the ticket. This can be green party voters, Bernie write ins, or people who are refusing to vote. It is primarily their reasoning for why they are choosing to abstain from voting Democrat, even though they were willing to do so for Bernie, as their arguments are very similar, and when they differ they fit into the BoB narrative like puzzle pieces.
Saying you won't vote for Biden because you don't think he will change anything, yet you are willing to vote for Howie for his policy platform, even though you know he can't implement those policies because he can't win is textbook BoB logic.
by you know me, its big D October 25, 2020
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bob is liek bob
Peson 1: bob
persone 2: bobby
by þomaþo March 10, 2020
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no one really knows what it means
yo we gonna bob”
by phillyboulup June 29, 2023
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bob WILL Write for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.
Don't name your friends. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities/BOB
by HDMI123 September 13, 2022
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