1) Middle English. Self-gratification through act of auto-stimulation.
2) An homage to my dead neighbour.
"To the couple whose habit it is to swipe the poper at 730am, I'm impressed, it certainly shows class"
by wussyraji & the AuD March 25, 2008
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when you get a random wedgie when your ginch rides up into your ass crack.
Jeeze, Tom, get your hand out of your pants! WTF is wrong with you?

Trying to reverse an unauthorised credit card swipe.
Ahh, ginch up your crack, eh? Okay, I had no idea. . .
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada August 21, 2022
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A bum swipe is a maneuver, usually dared, in where the person involves has to rub their buttock as inconspiculously as possible against a designated member of the public, ideally without getting caught. As a game this is best performed in a busy public enviroment like a bar or a cinema.
Scott just bum swiped that police officer. Fuck sake whit a dong.

Maurice: Here Scott, I dare you to bum swipe the receptionist.
by ilikeurmaonacid December 7, 2013
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When you flatten someone’s dick so much it is as thin as a credit card.
My girlfriend flattened my dick so flat to the point where you swipe it like a credit card.
by Kidthesquid September 12, 2020
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Blindly swiping right or tapping like in Tinder to everything and everyone without regard to how attractive or unattractive the persons profile displays.
Derp: Dude, you just swiped right on that wildabeast!
Yolo Swiper: Yeah fuck it, I'm yolo swiping. If we match, I'll filter her out later.
yolo Tinder swipe
by hammertime03131987 November 7, 2014
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A pokemon attack that let´s the opponent always live on 1 hp. This move has 40 base power, is 100% accurate and is a normal type move.
Breloom is the best ¨False swipe¨ user
by Disease 007 February 26, 2018
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