Name of the legendary hentai 177013. It is said to cause depression for weeks for whoever reads it, although a few claim they've been affected for only a couple of days.
I'm being way to happy right now, I think I'll read Emergence and go back to my usual depression state.
by Yesserer January 2, 2019
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When you experience a near miss accident that could easily result in death and soil yourself out of shock.
I almost got hit by a bus and had an Emergency Brown Out. I had to go home and change my pants.
by JC360 February 5, 2023
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When you keep pepper beside your bed so if someone catches you put some on your nose to make a made up sneeze so the cum on your bed looks like snot.
when I go for a wank I grab the lube from the bathroom and the EMERGENCY PEPPER from the kitchen.
by Common Dora December 18, 2019
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A behavior a person with an illness or addiction exhibits when she recovers.
I had escape and emerged from bipolar mania disorder. Finally.
by Ereck Flowers November 25, 2018
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Usually in a very stressful, indecisive situation one will decide to go have wank before making any vital decisions.
*Right before an exam*
Yo, Vlad, where are you going?
I am gonna go quickly to the bathroom!
To do what?
*whispers* To have an emergency wank, I cannot think straight, I need to let some steam off!
Alright, go ahead!
by wanking May 11, 2017
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A construction type hard hat kept in the trunk of an automobile for shit emergencies allowing wearer "no questions asked" free access to tens of thousands of Porta Potties nationwide.
When I wear my emergency hard hat,I can use the Porta-John at any construction site and nobody gives me a second glance.
by wolfbait51 May 23, 2011
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