1. Thou shalt not date friends of friends

2. Thou shalt not ask someone out over the internet, unless it is absolutely necessary

3. Thou shalt not break up with thy partner over the phone or internet, in any case.

4. Thou shalt not make plans for the future, unless thou plans to fulfill them

5. Thou shalt not send mixed messages and signals

6. Thou shalt not cheat on thy partner.

7. Thou shall reject activities involving a name as an adjective

8. Thou shalt not use fecal matter in romantic ways

9. Thou shall be a dick for up to 6 hours after a break up. after this time, thou shalt not hold grudges.

10. Thou shall change the lingus, if thou is unsatisfied
Translation of the Ten Commandments of Dating

1. dont date your friend's friends. it gets awkward

2. its pretty tactless and impersonal

3. Really? a break up shouldnt be sprung on someone in an indirect way

4. Dont give false hope, it's unappreciated

5. Mislead people become confused people. confused people become ANGRY people.

6. infidelity is a dick move

7. (ie. cleveland steamer) DONT DO IT

8. poo and intimacy. its just wrong. back off fecalphiliacs.

9. get all the emotions out, move on. no holds barred.

10. Anna, Donna, Connor. the three lingus friends. figure it out, choose one.
by Greengiant 894 April 30, 2010
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A trivial argument based in little more than the semantics or language used to formulate the argument.

NOTE: Despite the simple nature of said argument, the debate can often grow so passionate that everyone not involved leaves the room to go watch the movie somewhere else.
Come on guys, this is just turning into a Master-And-Commander Debate.

Take your Master-And-Commander Debate somewhere else!

Here they go again with a Master-And-Commander Debate...


A- "Can you imagine being him? They just cut the rope and left him out to sea. Would you just cling to the mast for dear life? I mean, wouldn't you just let go of it and swim as fast as you could towards the ship?"

B- "Haha, no. I would swim after it."

A- "You mean, 'YES, I would swim after it.'"

B- "No... I mean 'NO, I would swim after it.' As in 'No, I wouldn't just cling to the mast.'"

A- "But that's not the question I asked. I..."

(Argument goes on for 15 minutes, everyone leaves)

C- "So who did you guys decide was right?"

A- "We agreed to disagree."

B- "No we didn't."

A- "We didn't? What, did we conclude I was right?"

B- "Well I assumed that's the only way we would end it."

A- "No. We just eventually dropped it. Thus, we agreed to disagree."

B- "Dropping something doesn't necessarily mean 'Agree to disagree.'"

A- "Yes it does!"

B- "No..."

(Argument goes on for 15 minutes, everyone leaves)
by C0mfortablyNumb February 1, 2011
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The most charismatic member of the alpha male division. May not be the largest or strongest but his physical disabilities are counterbalanced with his ability to please others (esp. AYeo) with his tasteful moves and sense of humor.
1 Tam had a great time last night with Commander Jer Jer.

2 Commander Jer Jer befriends all creatures big and small.. esp. during their sleep.
by AY1004 May 5, 2005
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We actually don't know what a penile commander 2000 is, but we DO know, that it comes with batteries (batteries not included), it glowes in the dark, emits radiation and comes with 6 attachments, has a strapon tool belt, a safety guard (may dismember limbs and cause child molestation urges).
Flashing lights and animations not included.
Approptiate safety gear required.
The penile commander 2000 is the perfect gift for the necrophiliac in your family.

Warning: Not intended for use by loved ones.
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a man (or women) who has mastered the art of being a wingman
"Hey what do you think of that girl over there?"
"hmmm...she likes slow jazz and walks on the beach....oh! and she has a cat named jeff"
"How do you know that just from looking at her?"
"Dude i am a master wing commander!"
by Oneliners July 1, 2009
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