Dirty Thanos

The act of pushing out kidney stones and calling them infinity stones
Dude did you do a dirty thanos

Yeah if hurt like hell
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Literally a meme that some kids try to joke around and say is a god.
A purple car that people call Thanos.
by MineTurtleBOOM January 2, 2019
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1. A car that looks like it has the chin of Thanos
“That snow plow is a Thanos Car.”
by YeetSeat November 1, 2019
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A meme that has originated from the film "Avengers Infinity war" and since then there have been a lot of memes going around the internet and then this monstrosity has come a far from this world.
by Acen1080 December 3, 2018
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It's when twitter user @Thanos_Pagkidis does something cool
Now this is a Thanos Pogkidis moment
by Justawafflelol December 7, 2020
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