A cultural gene.

Usually taking the form of, (but not limited to) image macros, memes are designed to communicate cultural ideals, values, and beliefs in the form of seemingly innocuous jokes. Due to how easily consumed memes are as a form of media, it is an incredibly effective tool for inseminating people with ideas that would be otherwise difficult to impossible to broach in normal conversation.
Me: What is my purpose?
God: Your purpose is to make dank memes
by Wemsteo paafwc June 21, 2017
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A supply of life .stuff that can cure depression . bringer of laughs
I NEED MEMES-Tommy age 5 after seeing his mom die
by Geja24 December 10, 2019
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What the universe and god himself are scared of.
god: "oh no..."
universe: "they're here"
memes: "i am inevitable"
by MeAndTheBoysAt3AmLookingForBEA October 29, 2020
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Things that can/used to be funny, but get incredibly overused and stale and die really quickly. Also recent memes are just kinda bad and do not deserve the popularity they get. Like the average fan vs average enjoyer meme. Sometimes people do something unique with them which is greatly appreciated, but that’s really rare.
Hey look guys he said sus!! Isn’t that wacky?? It’s funny because it’s a meme lol!!
by Pimpleapps May 2, 2021
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Something that people use on the internet that CAN be funny. It is usually dies after a week or it dies because the normies used it also you should know what a meme is, where have you been?
Day 1 of meme: HAHAHAHAHA funny meme (tons of people use the meme)
Week 1 of meme: HAHA still funny or that is a stale meme why do you still use it
by Jonathanwat February 26, 2018
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