A phrase mentioned when somebody gets disrespected to the fucking ground by somebody else so much that the person saying the phrase mentions that if the person getting disrespected were them, they would beat the disrespectful person's ass.
"Mark just got his whole crib shot up. Me personally, I'm not taking that
by YouDontWantThis August 15, 2023
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The process of one's self accompanying another of the same sexual orientation to the same toilet cubicle in the nightclub known as 'The Woolshed'. From here, the magic takes place.
Yeah it's been a long day, just want someone to take me to the woolshed.
by The Wanu August 9, 2021
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A 10-12 minute break consisting of a red bull and a cigarette.
“Hey did Joe fax that report over to corporate?”

“I’ll ask him when he comes back. He’s taking a Jared
by 3little3series November 6, 2020
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"Take Luck" can be interpreted as a phrase that suggests seizing or capturing luck. It implies an active approach to luck rather than passively waiting for it to come one's way. Instead of relying solely on chance, the phrase encourages individuals to be proactive, take initiative, and make the most of favorable opportunities that come their way.

In the context of the band "take luck," it could signify their belief in taking control of their destiny and shaping their own path in the music industry. It might also reflect their attitude towards life and creativity, where they embrace challenges with determination and resilience, aiming to turn any stroke of luck, good or bad, into something meaningful through their music.

Overall, "take luck" carries a sense of empowerment and agency, urging people to be proactive in their pursuits and to believe in their ability to make a positive impact on their journey, regardless of the unpredictable nature of luck.
"Despite the odds stacked against them, the aspiring musicians decided to 'take luck' into their own hands, working tirelessly to perfect their craft and create a unique sound that would captivate audiences worldwide."
by honeyrevenge July 31, 2023
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Dabble hot sauce on her butthole quickly licking it up, and when she questions it take her light bulb and dip
Oh man i had a spicy night last night, i gave her an Indian take out
by Mother fraggers February 3, 2023
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Whether it's your guy bestfriend, boyfriend, or just your best friend, now is the time you can get away with stealing their hoodie. September 27th is the perfect day to take that hoodie they are always wearing and try it for yourself to see what's so special about it. But be careful! They just might take yours!!
Guy bsf: Hey! Where did my hoodie go?
Girl bsf/you: It's National take your bestfriend's hoodie day!

Guy bsf: Oh. Well I guess that means I can take yours then!
by Ineedtherapy:).org September 21, 2021
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"Take gate" is a wordplay on "to take offense" (= take a fence), because offense sounds similar to "a fence".
He took gate when she talked about him. Why does he always take gate?
by tenderjoe May 17, 2010
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