When one of the participants in a texting conversation intentionally ignores certain questions or texts from people because of their lack of desire to answer the question or get involved in a conversation.
"Stop being a selective texter, and answer my texts!"
by hilen June 17, 2024
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A problem that persists with the "System Management Bus," in a particular sector of the "Smart Battery System" that happens when a battery is over-charged or charged before being completely empty on countless events.

The effects of SBA are misreadings of battery life and malfunction of software of which work with the battery.

This problem persists in most battery chips found in portable electronics and can be fixed by draining the battery through one extended use before doing a full charge.
"Man, my computer says my battery is low, but I just charged it!" "Don't worry! it's Selective Battery Amnesia, just let the battery run down and it will fix itself!"
by LextheYeti September 2, 2011
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COVID selection ; is to cull of some of the population.
COVID selection involves culling off the athletes, no broadcast sports from here on in. Culling of active protesters, then having people call or email there discussed, whomever will be then exicuted (culled). Rough speculation indicates just below 50% support of the COVID selection.
by Bryn Benn May 11, 2020
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Made popular by jon p kennedy of the MLC gang

chicken a girl who is always interested in sex or even if u think she is interested...she may look easy for you to have sex with ...so that makes her a chicken...also she may be wearing jordans or any popular sneaker...also the type of girl who would scream when they see a famous person
damn look at those or that Chicken Dinner or Chicken Select or Chickens ,Bird, Peguin
by jon p kennedy February 19, 2010
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Someone who acts stupid when they actually know what’s going on
Tyler:Gabe is such a selective retard…

Jake:I know right! He acts so stupid.
by MARCUS IS THE GOAT October 5, 2021
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A double standard based more on somebody's personal negative feelings than on fairness.
Lindsay the supervisor would order people she hated to do more work than everyone else (move the goalposts on them) and was quicker to try and get them fired if she hated them (a negative feeling towards them she would always deny having or say someone else felt that way if asked simply, plainly, and directly) whether they did their jobs as well as everyone else or not. She lived by the same kind of selective double standard she would always try and poke fun at others for having.
by The Original Agahnim November 13, 2021
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