A term coined to describe individuals who espouse national socialist and related ideologies while simultaneously enjoying the benefits of a globalized, multicultural society. Similar to the concept of a "Champagne Socialist," a Champagne National Socialist often advocates for policies that prioritize their own ethnic or national group, yet paradoxically embraces cultural diversity and interconnectedness of the world.
Person A: "Did you see that politician speaking about strict immigration policies while they vacationed in multiple foreign countries last month?"
Person B: "Yeah, classic Champagne National Socialist move, trying to have it both ways."
by The 🍓 September 29, 2023
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1. Fake alcohol
2. Stress reliever; can be person, place, thing, or event, etc.
1. T'where is the metaphorical champagne!
2. Sam: Yo! I had such a rough day!
Sally: How about some metaphorical champagne?
Sam: Yeah! I could use some ice cream.
Sally: Can I join you? My metaphorical champagne are mashed potatoes and gravy.
by diddoarch710 January 26, 2015
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When you try your hardest to squeeze out a rock hard turd and when it finally escapes, it’s accompanied by a massive mixture of gas and watery diarrhea giving it the resemblance of popping a bottle of champagne.
Man those tacos had me popin dark champagne in there
by J/M/C June 3, 2023
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When someone is going for more despite gaining more than he originally had.
Ron - Yo you see Adam going in on that hand?
Joe - Yeah he be Sippin That Champagne right there.
by Thighs = Demise March 10, 2019
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an 80s artist who was mad-
person 1 : oh you make my love come down!
person 2 : Evelyn champagne king?
person 1 : uhmmmm-
by _____chaAzzA June 30, 2021
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A term that describes the urination from one person into the others mouth.
A submissive Speaks to his/her Dom -' Yes Ma'am my slutty little mouth is open for all the warm champagne you can provide me with
by Philip The Sub May 28, 2012
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