the bubbly

The sickening gurgling in your gut telling you that diarrhea is imminent and unavoidable. Happens at the worst place at the worst time.
Just when the bus breaks down in the tunnel, is when I get the worst case of the bubbly. My face is turning different shades of red trying to hold it in.
by Dr. Claw January 25, 2009
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the bubbly

Bing Crosby:" I'll have a bit of the bubbly myself" (high society 1956)
by Dhiazee December 7, 2015
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bubble bubble

code name for weed
cause when you
smoke a bong it goes "bubble bubble"
yoo tonight wanna do some "bubble bubble
by de em September 13, 2007
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On The Bubble

At risk. In peril.
Most often used to describe someone or something that may be cut from scope or removed from the group.
"We need 5 people for the team. We have already chosen 4 and so the remaining 6 of the applicants are on the bubble."
by Missy S April 3, 2006
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The Bubble

Home of the NBA’s shortened 2020 covid season. Known for its Mickey Mouse ring among other things.
The Bubble is one of the craziest things to happen in the NBA.
by InfluentialOne April 3, 2021
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a really happy,perky,kind of annoying person at times.Its one of those people who wake you up in the morning really perky and you just wanna smack them in the face
She is being very bubbly today.
by Starlight April 17, 2003
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on the bubble

to be in a very uncertain and dangerous situation
Allegations of fraud have put the minister's career on the bubble.
by HarryD February 8, 2008
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