I can always tell when Andem has been launching torpedoes. The smell practically takes the paint off the bathroom walls.
by Samuel Francisco April 19, 2017
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When a person playing basketball shoots up to the rim in a complete pencil like shape with the ball in two hands above their head with their arms fully extended. The person does not change position in mid air until the dunk is completed and both feet have landed on the ground. The Human Torpedo can be used to achieve a "Master Eng" which is a different term.
"He just did a human torpedo!"
by Motion Wawa June 17, 2012
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When Danil Kvyat hit you from the back of the car.
- Seb Vettel after Kvyat torpedoed him.
by bachas February 25, 2022
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Man, she so fine, and her tits are so huge.. they're like chest torpedoes!
by RingtailedFox August 21, 2015
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While having sex pull out just prior to shooting off your load, aim, believe you can (or use the Force), and fire into the open mouth of your partner. If done right, this will cause a convulsion in your partner much like the Death Star blowing up.

Some friends might say afterward, "Great shot kid, that was one in a million!" or for yourself in celebration sing "da, da da da, da, da da da, da, da da da!"
Luke listened to Obi-Wan Kenobi's Force Ghost and turned off his targeting computer. Because Luke used the Force, he was able to launch two proton torpedo (es) (load) perfectly down the main exhaust shaft (mouth) of the Death Star.
by Hands Solo29 December 1, 2021
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The act of one projective launching their fecal log into a woman’s vagina underwater
Roger just anal torpedoed jelly while they were skinny dipping
by Lof yu rong thyme May 10, 2020
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A sly or otherwise cheeky statement (usually backhanded, sarcastic, or savage in nature) that is cleverly worded so that it goes unnoticed at first until its true meaning is figured out. Therefore much like a torpedo: Will go typically go unnoticed by many until its either too late to do anything about it or hits them.
Clyde: Dude that burn was a total Torpedo.
Dale: Yeah man, did you see the faces of the ones who figured it out?
Clyde: Totally. It was a beautiful sight watching their smiles fade in realization.
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