Sweetest guy on earth takes pride in his work knows how to treat a lady honest and loyal best guy to ever come about!
by Dirty 45 March 25, 2017
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The dude is the Patrick swayze of todays era as his woman makes him corn bread and the purple drank every day because he’s a good man a hard working guy. Dudes the father of fathers and his woman is thankful for him.
Dustin smith the G.O.A.T
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A person that lives in West Mifflin that’s the best at discus and will shit on anyone or anything in his way
Dustin Rigby is the best of all time
by bestthroweroutthere September 20, 2023
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A very sweet, intelligent and good looking human being. Can be a little sarcastic sometimes and loves to be a smart ass. But he’s a good communicator, charming and a great friend. Enjoys spending time in nature, behind a camera or simply working on his computer. Isn’t the greatest with numbers and needs help every now and then with spelling but he is an amazing best friend. The type to bring you ice cream at three in morning when you need a friend too talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Can be shy and timid with people he doesn’t know but when he has your attention he’s protective and will do anything for a friend in need. He loves to joke around, be goofy and make a fool out of himself to see those he loves laugh and smile. Let me not forget he’s amazing in bed really knows how to use his hands and caress you in the places you never thought would get you going(;
Friend: did you go out with Dustin LeBlanc last night?

Me: yes I did. He’s goofy and charming!
by DarkAngeLatina March 8, 2022
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A middle aged fuckboy, usually short, fat, white, and drug addict. Loves to play the victim, very versed in the art of lying, stealing and taking no responsibility. Has a micro penis and always trying to talk girls into making a "video" but is only bringing his 30 second "A game" so it ends up being a short gif. Has serious mommy issues to the point that she still runs every aspect of his life. Only watches mommy porn while fucking his cousin and fantasizing about men. Ttys to prove he's str8 by having children with several baby mommas who look more like men than he does. Everything he says is a lie and he is constantly plotting on how to fuck you over cause of his severe jealousy and his complete inferiority complex. His 5'2 stature causes him to date nuckledraggers, nut jobs, mouth breathers, meth whores, and skeletal pill popping drunk 70 year olds who will pay his bills and buy him things. A complete TOOL.
I thought I was dating this great guy but he turned out to be A Dustin!

What a total hater!! Don't be such a Dustin.

My friend turned out to be a fucking Dustin! What a let down.
by Karma Bashaw July 30, 2023
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Is a guy who's always horny, and act tough. He's tough tho, but inside he's a baby. He is fun to talk to, if you have Randy Dustin Williams in your life, you're so lucky. Randy is a very sweet guy who stays true and faithful in a relationship. You're lucky if you ever meet a Randy because they are the best kinds of guys out there. They're the type of boyfriends who piss you off but then won't leave you alone until they make you smile. He has a true heart and is always there for you. All of the girls that know him, like him but he only has one girl in mind. He is very cute and always has a special smell to him. If you ever meet a Randy, you will never forget him. Randy is one of the cutest guys to ever exist. He has a bit of a cowboy name but it suits him. He has a hard time verbally showing his feelings or affection. But when he does the attempt will be absolutely worth it! His strong yet cuddly stature almost reminds you of a grizzly bear! Even his hugs are great and bear-like. Overall Randy is simply the best uwuwuuwwuwu
Randy Dustin Williams is the best.
omg you're so randy today, i love it
girl 1 ; Hi, me and Randy are now together.
girl 2; omg, you're so luckyyy, i am so jealous right now
girl 3; aww i haven't find my randy yet
by swanseagei27 November 9, 2020
The Begining and the end of the Universe and existence of all known and unknown life. The Great Brahmin. The Cosmos.
1: Have you ever heard of how the universe was created?
2: Yeah, in Dustin's basement, on demos' ass
by KapitalSteez November 4, 2021
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