Chris is a guy who loves the trend of looking up your name on Urban Dictionary. He tends to think that things like that are cool because they shine through to your originality.

Chris-minded people often enjoy hanging around others who also enjoy being the center of attention.
Chris' only listen to Top 40, Beyonce, Rihanna, and occasionally Justin Bieber. They're not like other

Chris is also very sarcastic.
Did you see what Chris said? Humor? I'm triggered.
by john_dorian November 24, 2021
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A blonde hair and blue eyed guy, who will set you up and disrespect you.
Person 1: oh god, there goes Chris.
Person 2: Let's go before he sees us.
by DixieRebel2497 August 25, 2021
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A unseemly popular guy who knows how to climb the social and financial ranks in life. Hes always has a cute smile and has lots of admires and friends because he is polite, popular and humble.

If he likes you he won't have to tell you, you will just know. If he doesn't like you he will let you know somehow. But either way he will always give you a chance.

Chris is loyal about his relationships. Usually private about his feelings and thoughts. Chris is a cool person that makes you feel cool too.
Elise: look at Chris he really has it all going for him.
Alex: who chris? Thats my buddy he's cool like that.
by Whosthatgirl1988 January 30, 2021
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Chris is one of a kind, and always manage to put a smile on your face. He’s a hot latino papi with dark hair and brown eyes, has a dark but funny humor, a contagious laugh, and a hell of a burrito that’ll break your back. You’re always gonna have a great time with Chris, whether y’all are out taking photos, getting cops to cheer you on getting freaky, watching sports or movies, beating his competitive ass in pool and other games, or just being around him. He’s a heck of an artist, a sweet soul, the best kisser, and one of the best person’s you’ll ever meet.
You have a Chris in your life?! Wow. That’s one you wouldn’t wanna lose.
by mamacita___ November 23, 2021
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A gorgeous boy with thick dark hair and full eyebrows. Chris is extremely friendly and knows exactly what he’s doing, but sometimes he can get caught up in his own personal problems; which he doesn’t share with anyone! But if a Chris shares it with you, you mean the world to him. Chris is extremely caring, sometimes a little too much. He has the biggest puppy-eyes, dark brown and wonderful. Chris has an amazing body, and an even more playful personality. He finds passion in one thing, that he revolves his whole entire life around. He’s hard to get!
Oh... he is such a Chris!

I love Chris!
by browniecat887 April 15, 2021
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Chris is cool, he’s really silly, and he’s nice to almost everyone, Chris is so cool!, oh and did I mention he was really silly?
Hi Chris”
by kivianis May 9, 2022
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dont trust anyone named chris because if chris crossed applesauce what do you think he'll do to you
chris is so useless because the only thing he does is cross applesauce
i dont even wanna go near him

shiver me timbers
my timbers have been shivered
by sauntervaguelydownwards_please October 18, 2023
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