"what the fuck?"
You are not allowed to be employed or in school if you say it because your saying what the fuck shows a complete lack of regard for what is taking up your attention, time, etc.
"What did he say that got him fired?" she asked.
"WTF." was the answer.
by EvaLissens September 20, 2009
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basicly it jus means
generally only used on im's such as MSN
like wtf am i doing talking to this loser
by baby-angel April 20, 2006
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Commonly known as What the Fuck? or who/when/why/where the fuck?

Now used as Welcome to Fairfax
BEN: WTF man
PETER: what?
BEN: welcome to fairfax!
by bearsazRAWR May 24, 2009
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Internet speak, meaning, "What The Fuck".

.. Couldn't get any simpler then that..

by Kopey June 23, 2010
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WHERE'S THE FOOD? Something a male says to his mother,girlfriend or sister when he's really hungry and feels like being an asshole for fun and demands what he wants.
boyfriend: come on bitch! I've been waiting five fucking minutes and my sandwich still isn't done! WTF?

girlfriend: if your gonna cuss at me come make your own damn sandwich you piece of shit!
by firecrackergurl January 6, 2012
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Most oftenly used as an acronym for what the fuck, with question marks or exclamation points added for emphasis. May also write/type/say why, who, where, when, with a tf following for the "the fuck" part. A very commonly use phrase of Marissa & Aja (aka Bunny & Sasha)
1. Mark: german
Aja: WTF?!
2. Whotf are you? Wheretf are you? WTF are you doing?!
by cherrypopscle007 April 21, 2003
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