One who uses their anal passage to hide another man’s erect penis inside of.
John Travolta is greatly admired by the ladies for his good looks and interesting roles, but his real passion is being with men and playing the role of a baloney smuggler.
by Boner2020 November 11, 2020
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I heard her boyfriend is really a Rooster Thief ,straight cock smuggler.
by November 19, 2022
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A bloke who hides other blokes cocks in his ass for pleasure without hesitation or regret.
That Alexander Gregory roe guy from Sandgate is such a cock smuggler! He’s always hanging out upstairs at the best mega club.
by Hitso April 23, 2018
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Term used to define a well endowed woman clad in a tight fitting shirt, blouse or dress and obviously concealing beneath an ample set of mammary glands. Coined and used by undercover narcotics officers (tongue in cheek) during attempts to identify actual drug smugglers in the sea of humanity characteristic of large airports. Also useful in the common vernacular, especially in mixed company to surreptitiously describe a large breasted woman.
Joe, I'm not positive, but she appears to be a cantaloupe smuggler.
by Clifford Skridlow February 1, 2016
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This action describes an individual inserting raw beef into their anal cavity then proceeding to cut down sugar cane with their sexual partner
Wow Jeff and Linda are so freaky! Jeff told me they visited the butcher last week to do a sexy little Haitian Meat Smuggling. Apparently Linda loves being a Haitian Meat Smuggler.
by GWhammy69 June 1, 2021
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A Pung smuggler is someone who is not just from this world but from all realities at once. A spiritual entity.
by Unholy_minds October 13, 2017
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